Observations from Teaching an 8-Year-Old How to Play Chess


  • If you buy a game box that includes both checkers and chess, the 8-year-old will undoubtedly want to play chess, despite the fact that you know it’s too difficult for him and he’d have a much better time playing checkers. Why would anybody want anything to do with a round piece-of-shit chip when, in the other game, you get to fuck around with knights and kings?
  • I’ve never been good at chess until I played an 8-year-old.
  • Despite how many times you explain how a knight moves, he will insist on moving it in every other goddamn shape except for an L.
  • He would rather sacrifice any other piece on the board–including his king–for the precious life of one of his pawns.
  • Every single time one of his pawns die, it will feel like the end of the world.
  • He refuses to call the queen a “queen”, but instead “the mother”.
  • When preparing for a game, he will inevitably point at me and shout, “I’m gonna kill your mother!”
  • His smack-talk is unbeatable.

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