Tag Archives: dark moon digest

Now Available: Dark Moon Digest Young Adult Issue #1

Dark Moon Digest has started a new Young Adult edition, and its first issue was just released on Amazon. It has my story “Super” in it, along with many other authors who are a thousand times more respected than I am, such as Jonathan Maberry and Joe McKinney. Buy it here.


“Among Men” by Joe McKinney

“Are the Stars Out Tonight?” by Nancy Holder

“Creepy Town” by C.W. LaSart

“Cyclops” by James S. Dorr

“Deadly Thin Ice” by Dawn Napier

“Franklinstein” by John Peel

“Lonely Is The Mothman” by JG Faherty

“Mounting Fairies for Display” by Kevin David Anderson

“Overdue Books” by Jonathan Maberry

“Rotten Inside” by Kimberly Yerina

“Scratch” by Jeff Szpirglas

“Smothered” by Sarah Ahiers

“Super” by Max Booth III

“The Nightmare Project” by Stacy Turner

“The Rainbow Coat” by P.B. Kane

Stephen King Month is Nearing, Plus Some Other Stuff, I Guess

First off, I have helped put together another STEPHEN KING MONTH at the Dark Moon blog, Last Writes. Very excited to have contributions from writing all stars like Joe McKinney and C.W. LaSart. Read this post for further details.

I also just received news that my story, “Oh Just Shut Up Already”, has been accepted in the classy eFiction Magazine. Will post more about it when the information comes available, but pretty excited about this one. I am still anxiously waiting to see if I made it in the White Cats anthology, Airships & Automatons, which would pay some hella good cash.

Also, in case you didn’t happen to notice the beautiful little button on the top right of my site, I am now an affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association! Which is awesome! So suck it! YEAH!

Updates (01/21/12)

First, in case you missed it, I got the pleasure to interview Cracked.com columnist, John Cheese, on the DMD blog a few weeks back. If you haven’t been following his column, then you’re truly missing out. Click here for the interview.

Secondly, I am currently editing an upcoming anthology for Dark Moon Books called Zombie Jesus and Other True Stories. The theme is alternate history horror, and yes, it is a paying market ($20 and a contributor’s copy). Click here for the rest of the information. It will be the first of three planned anthologies of 2012 that I will be editing along with writers Stan Swanson and Lori Michelle. Calls for submissions for the other two will be announced soon.

I’ve been working on writing The Ultimate Survival for Humanity: How To Survive Attacks From Zombies, Vampires, Ex-Lovers & Other Scary Things as of late, and it is coming together nicely. In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, this is a book I am co-authoring with Stan Swanson that will surely rock your socks off; it is scheduled to be published Summer 2012 by Dark Moon Books, so I am really kicking my ass to get this finished. Not to mention that at the moment I am also in the middle of writing a novel (about 25,000 words in it so far), a graphic novel, and a book of flash fiction. And other projects as they come up, I’m sure.

Hopefully the writing doesn’t get put too much on the backburner seeing as I was just hired full-time over at everyone’s favorite store, Walmart, as an overnight stocker. I doubt it does; actually, I think it will probably get me writing even more. It seems that the more free time someone has, the less productive they end up being. So this will be a good thing all around (especially the whole actually having money factor).

2012 is looking like a great year for writing, too. I already have three accepted tales so far, and that’s half of the number of acceptances I got last year, so yeah, things are definitely looking up. The three accepted tales being in the upcoming Dark Moon Digest Issue Number 7, an unnamed horror western anthology edited by Eric S. Brown, and the charity flash fiction book, Slices of Flesh, which also will be featuring perhaps one of the best horror writers in the game today, Jack Ketchum.

So that’s what’s going on there.

Now to end this post on a creepy note.

Today myself and the aforementioned Lori Michelle were visiting a flea market. Nothing unusual about that, people visit flea markets all the time, right? Of course they do. I even managed to get a sweet ass 1941 first printing of a Robert Louis Stevenson collection.



But then we found the heads.

The baby heads.








Sweet screams.


Dark Moon Digest Issue 6

Issue six of the digest is now out, and I even have a story in it this time. Check it out, it’s called “The Bag, the Darkness” and it’ll most likely make you even more afraid of the homeless than you undoubtedly already are. Other stories in this issue by authors Lori Michelle, Nicholas Keller, C.L. Raven, Sarah Ahiers, L.S. Murphy, and many more. So stop reading this page and fucking buy it already. Thanks xoxo