So Far, I Haven’t Had to Kidnap Any Reviewers

Hello, Internet. My new novel has been out for a few weeks now. So far nobody has told me they hated it, which is strange. I suspect that the plot of the book–a crazy author kidnapping a blogger who writes negative reviews–might be influencing some of my book’s praise, and that is completely okay. In this post I’ve collected some reviews the book has received so far, as well as recent interviews and articles I’ve been involved in. So here we go.



  • S.W. Lauden interrogated me about obnoxious reviewers and what being a publisher has taught me about being a writer.
  • This is Horror interviewed Lori and myself about Perpetual Motion Machine.
  • Benoit from Dead End Follies and I discuss in great length online writing communities, social media promotion for writers, and many other things.
  • My wiener dog/literary agent questioned me about the mysterious smell coming from our pantry.



Okay, that’s it. Stay tuned for more things. Until then, here’s an adorable owlet:


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