I’m going to start providing brief updates for the books I’m currently writing. Why? Because it’s a nice distraction from actually working on the books. Another reason why, you ask? I don’t know. I want to keep this blog updated more frequently and this seems like an easy way to do that. A third reason why? Holy shit. What are you, a cop? Okay, I guess maybe if I put this stuff out in the wild, it’ll work as more incentive to actually finish them, otherwise it’s going to start feeling awfully depressing when each project doesn’t significantly jump ahead after so long.
Okay, so with that said, here are the books I’m currently working on, and their current word counts:
- Casanova Curbstomp – 56,000 words
- Maggots Screaming! – 25,000 words
- Expect Radioactivity – 21,000 words
- Hushpuppy – 14,000 words
- Secret Cemetery Dance Coffee Table Book – still in the research phase
To provide further insight on these projects (which I don’t intend on doing with every update), Casanova Curbstomp is my attempt at a sleazy crime novel. Something that maybe Hard Case Crime might publish (guess where I intend on submitting it). I anticipate maybe another 20,000 to go on this one. I’m been working on it for a couple years now, off and on. Sometimes I think it’s the worst book I’ve ever written, but then I remember I feel that way about everything I write at a certain point.
Maggots Screaming! is my ode to body horror. It’s gross and delightful and just…completely repulsive. And before you ask, the exclamation mark on the title is not a typo. I think maybe I’m at the halfway mark on this book, or almost to the halfway mark.
Expect Radioactivity is my Big Novel. I fear it might exceed 200,000 words by the time it’s finished. I don’t want to say anything about it other than it takes place in the 1950s.
Hushpuppy is kind of a bildungsroman about my early teenage years growing up in a hotel next to a casino. Every time I work on it I get very sad. I think it’s probably end up being one of my best books. I have no idea how long it’ll be or when I’ll finish.
And, obviously, I can’t say anything about the secret Cemetery Dance coffee table book, other than it’s a coffee table book, and it’ll be released through Cemetery Dance. Oh, and also, I’m collaborating on it with Matthew Revert.
I’m also working on various scripts, short stories, and articles, but those aren’t as fun to tease.
I’ll do a bigger post later, but I recently quit my day job to write full-time. It is my goal to have all of these novels (except for maybe Expect Radioactivity) finished by December 2021. Without the hotel job in my life, I feel like this is more than possible. I’m doing things to limit other distractions, which I’ll save for another blog post. I have probably talked enough here. If you’ve read everything I’ve written and find yourself hungry for more Booth books, these are what you can look forward to someday in the future. If you’ve never read anything I’ve written and only found this website by googling something porn-related, I apologize but there is nothing sexy on this website, and you’ve come to the wrong place. Unless your fetish is WIP updates, then holy shit, prepare to ejaculate, buddy.