Turn my cell phone off in case the guy who’s supposed to be covering my shift the next four nights decided to skip town.
Ascertain I’ve blocked all management from Facebook so they can’t track me down and call me into work via private messaging.
Finish LitReactor column.
Finish short story titled “Nervous Sleep”.
Sign Chiral Mad 3 signature sheets.
- Read slush before impatient authors set me on fire.
Consider the bonuses of being set on fire.
Send titles out to the Shirley Jackson Awards. (Holy shit, that was like $200. Fucking UK shipping, man.)
Watch that new Series of Unfortunate Events series on Netflix.
Read some of The Dime which is already fucking intense and awesome.
Pet a dog. Any dog. It does not matter.
- Resist the urge to tweet about drinking coffee.
- Play Until Dawn until dawn.