I know it’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve posted here, but I can totally explain. You see, I’m lazy.
Right, moving on then. The World Horror Convention was a blast. Will hopefully get around to writing about that sometime here soon, but then again, probably not. Let’s look at it this way, by the time I have a write up of all the crazy events that occurred in Salt Lake City, the NEXT World Horror Convention will have already passed. But WHC did mark the launch of Dark Moon Books’ charity anthology, SLICES OF FLESH, which includes one of my stories. It also features some of horror’s greatest authors, such as Jack Ketchum, Joe McKinney, and Not-Brian-Keene.
You can will buy it HERE.
Also, if you wanted a little taste on just how awesome this book really is, why don’t you take a stroll over to Tales to Terrify, where the ever so kind host has recorded my story, MONSTER, on his podcast. And let me just say–holy shit, it is awesome.
Let’s see, what else, what else. Oh yeah, my horror western novella, BLACK, is coming closer to publication in the anthology, WELCOME TO HELL. The incredible cover art is as follows:

Obviously you should all buy this book when it comes out, because it’s going to kick a ton of ass.
I guess that’s about it for the moment. Am going to try to write more on this friggin’ thing, but then again, netflix.
Oh yeah, and if you’re wondering why I’ve completely changed this site’s theme, it’s because I am astonishingly indecisive.